Amaterasu is the Japanese deity of Heaven and the Universe. She is one of the most central deities, and as such, I made her the most central of the three images. The theme in this image is largely of a heavenly descent, but she is accented throughout the piece with imagery of the Japanese Royal family(such as her eyes as the royal familiy's symbol), as they are believed to have been descended fro, the god many years ago. 
Amaterasu, the sun goddess, was created by Izanagi, along with her brothers Susanoo, the storm god, and Tsukuyomi, the moon god. They were born when Izanagi was cleansing himself after entering the underworld in a failed attempt to save Izanami, his former wife. Amaterasu was born when Izanagi washed out his left eye, Tsukuyomi from when he washed out his right eye, and Susanoo from when he washed out his nose. She and her brothers are the 3rd generation of Japanese deities (or Kami in this sense) with the first generation being Kunitokotachi and Amenominakanushi, who were born from the very earth and primordial universe.
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